”I have purchased the concentration screen i.v. a course for which I have to take a large group of written examinations. The screen helps me to keep out visual and auditory stimuli (in combination with earplugs), so that I can concentrate better on my exam. Positive experiences so far and my teachers have also responded positively and with interest.” (private customer)
”Soundless and colorful. The screen gives peace and creates a place of its own.” (Free School Zwolle)
”A useful tool for our quickly-derived children.” (Special Needs Elementary School Pluryn)
”Very manageable concentration screens due to the lightweight material.” (Special Needs Elementary School Kentalis Amsterdam)
”Good, fast service. Highly recommended.” (Elementary School Loeswijk)
”The concentration screen gives a lot of rest and ensures a better concentration of our students. The student feels at ease because of the material and the color choice.” (Intermetzo Zutphen)
”The concentration screen helps students and teachers to create a good working atmosphere in the classroom where students can take responsibility themselves to improve their concentration.” (Special Needs Elementary School de Brug)
”It is a challenge for our team to discover educational support resources to help our students. Your concentration screen was such a find’.’ (Special Needs Elementary School het Avontuur)